Saturday, February 26, 2005

Commonly Wierdened

She who does not want to belong in the common world, Has subdued herself in her created world. She shares he world. Others who found themselves in it experience a submergance that leads to think her an anigma. While she is simple, spontenuos and honorable.
They find themselves in a state of consternation, for the degrees of seperation is immnese.
While she with her arms outstreached to encompass them, they recoil with insecurity. He r confidance, belief in purity paralise them. A horror to those who insist upon the common world.
They reject. But for her in her world there is no such action. It is simply a mater of choice not pride.
They doubt goodness, for evil exists. while in her world she finds both befriending eachother. Treacheries and lies are the safety of her loves, instead of confiding in them she contains them away from her pain and humane follies, for her understading of human weakness is vast.
Her devilishness is a means to intice minds into greatness, hearts into flames, biengs into laughter and continouse existance in vriouse degrees of space and seperation. Not a vice as it is in the common world aimed to beat man down, decieve and derail.
Jelousy invades her world only to give her a sign, an awarness for what lies within her. Not a poison to sneak into others grail, for she has a terror of anger corroding her.
Simple. Everything and anything exists. It is all a matter of choice not pride. For everything falls into place in accordance to her transcendental experience of life's cruelty, and human travesty.
And with in her world with it's continouse creaction she is able to give endlessly in the common world. Love profoundly, without discrimination, possesion or expectancy. For human pain strikes her fiercly. And for that forgivness is always a possibility, acceptance a necessity. because the rarety of absolute moments of joy makes her want to create it for others.
For that, her I love. The lose of her is an impossibility because her imortality is eternal. untouchable by the common world.